Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Task 3: Conventions Of An Opening Sequence

The Goonies
21 Jump Street

What I have learnt:
Whilst analyzing these film openings, I have learnt how camera angles, editing, sound and Mise en Scene can be used to make an interesting opening sequence and hook and engage the audience. I have also got an idea of what elements I need to include in my opening sequence in order to stand out or help it flow. Some camera angles that I will use are close ups as I think that they clearly show someones emotions and a point of view shot to make it feel like the audience is the character in the scene. I will also have to carefully consider the costumes that I use in my opening as I think this is a great way to highlight a characters persona.

Checklist For My Opening Sequence:

  • Don't reveal too much of the narrative.
  • Use a catchy soundtrack to engage my audience.
  • Correct institution information used.
  • Make the main character the focus of the narrative.
  • Film the video in landscape and not portrait as it will make it difficult to edit.
  • Make the actors speak clearly and slowly to make it easy to edit and understandable.
  • Stick to the 180 degree rule unless I am braking it to add effect and demonstrate confusion.
  • Use close ups
  • Think about costume to represent a social group.

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