This video shows the next stage in our editing, sound and titles. By including these elements the opening is starting to take shape and look professional.
Putting sound effects and a backing track was fairly simple because we had already found a lot of material in the sound research task. Therefore, we could simply copy them into IMovie and put them in the right areas to add effect. I believe that the sound we have included adds a lot of tension and is used in the right context. For example, the sound becomes more intense at the stage where he starts to go mad to help the audience see this. We have also included sound effects like a heartbeat as a reminder to the audience that something is about to go wrong or that all is not as it seems.
We had an issue at first when making our titles because there was not a template on IMovie that suited our needs. Therefore, we had to use keynote, an apple application, to create our titles. This turned out to be a lot easier when positioning text and worked well. One issue we had with using keynote was that we were not able to transform the text as a dissolve etc. This meant that our titles appeared and disappeared with the length of the shots. Even though this is not what we wanted, I think this works well in the sequence because it adds grittiness.
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