Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Near Final Cut (After Reshoot)

The video above is basically our final cut, it is only missing one voice over which we need to record. At this stage we are very happy with the outcome and feel little more can be done to improve what we have editing wise. We have developed and layered the audio more than the last cut, adding more non-diegetic sound to emphasis on the protagonists meltdown. This does add to the thriller sub genre. We have also changed the order of some titles and added more in. The titles are now evenly distributed and last at least three seconds on the screen to give the viewer time to see the text. Certain shots have been improved and stablised as this edit contains footage from both shoots. The font and text has stayed the same, however it is now clearer as we have adapted the positioning and have more shots to choose from. A detailed analysis will be added along with the final cut explaining our reasoning and the opening itself.

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